Terms and Conditions


Our Rules

We don't believe in 'small print' and we hope you will agree that our rules are mostly common sense but we welcome any suggestions on how to simplify them.



We hope that our site will help you to make a more informed choice, but we're not responsible for the work of the listed firms and we don't give guarantees for the firms or for their goods or services.

We can't guarantee the accuracy of the information shown or of the opinions expressed, so please ask the firms to give you more information about any reviews which may be important to you and tell us about any misleading information.

The Site includes information and suggestions to help you make a more informed choice but these are for your general guidance only and do not amount to professional or legal advice. We recommend that you should make your own enquiries to satisfy yourself about anything that may be important to you, such as the firms' membership of schemes and associations, their financial status, the qualifications and experience of the firms and their people, and any guarantees.

We can't guarantee that we hear about every complaint. We aim to work with customers and firms to help reduce the number of problems, but some level of misunderstandings and disagreements is inevitable. We want to hear about any problems you may have, but please contact the firm first.  Firms are responsible for settling disagreements with their customers and we are not liable for this.  See our complaints procedure.



You agree that any customer may leave a review and that you will not influence their review in any way.  You agree that we may publish every review and we do not provide services to enable you to publish only the reviews that you like.

You are responsible for settling disagreements with your customers and we are not liable for this.  Your scheme or association may offer a dispute resolution procedure to help with this.

We will show you the full review of each customer.  Customers' identities are for your internal use only and must not be shown to third parties, in accordance with the Data Protection Act. We may contact your customers to discuss the work you have done for them and we may contact your professional body, scheme or association to share information with them.

You agree that we are the only owners of our marks and you have no legal rights over them. You may link your website to ours, using our logo and you may use our marks on your headed paper, vehicles, premises and so on, but you must remove our marks from anything you no longer use and from any vehicle before you sell it. You must not claim or imply that your firm's registration with Referenceline represents any sort of vetting, approval, guarantee etc. You must not misuse our marks, use any mark that copies, or is similar to, our marks, or do anything that we feel may damage them or our reputation. We may ask you to give us examples of how you are using them, or planning to use them and you must follow any instructions we give you and we will not agree to any use that we feel is unsuitable.



We hope you like our website and services, but they are provided "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" and you use them at your own risk.  As far as the laws allow, Referenceline excludes all guarantees and representations. In particular:

The views expressed by firms and customers are theirs, not ours, and we don't accept any responsibility for any mistakes, omissions or inaccuracies in the content provided by them. 

We don't guarantee the performance, completeness, security or availability of our websites or services, whether for reasons within our control (for example to carry out maintenance, service or development work) or for reasons outside our control (such as changes affecting the internet or postal services and practices).

You agree to all of our rules and that these rules replace any other agreement, including any written agreement between us. You agree that no other rules apply, including any terms and conditions which you might otherwise use in purchasing services or entering into agreements with others.

You agree that we may change these rules at any time without notice, so please check our rules regularly.  If you don't agree to be bound by all of our rules, then please don't use our website or services. By continuing to use our website, you agree that you accept all of our rules, including any revisions.

You agree that you have read and accepted these rules, without modification. These rules make up the complete agreement between you and us. Any change is only valid if published on our website or confirmed by us in writing. The rules are divided into separate topics with headings, but the topics and headings do not influence the rules, which apply in full. We are continuously improving our Websites and Services.  We may change the content, price, Rules or any other aspect of our Sites or our Services at any time without notice. If you are concerned about any change, please let us know.

If a rule, or any part of a rule, is not valid, this will not affect the other rules, or any other part(s) of that rule. We will not lose any right that we have under these rules if we do not fully use it or if we delay using it. Unless otherwise specified, the terms "includes", "including", "e.g.,", "for example", and other similar terms are understood to include the term "without limitation" immediately thereafter.

You cannot transfer any of your responsibilities or rights under these rules to anyone, including any subcontractors or agents. You are responsible if your agents, subcontractors or employees do anything that you must not do under these rules. We may transfer our responsibilities or rights under these rules to selected subcontractors or agents.

We may use credit reference agencies or other organisations to check the information you give us. We may, at our sole discretion, publish the full details of any individual or firm that we reasonably believe may be associated with any attempt to abuse our system including, but not limited to, the submission of false references. We have registered the domain www.namingandshaming.com for this purpose.

Any notice you or we give under these rules must be sent by post or delivered by hand to us at: Referenceline Ltd, 3 Huron Drive, Liphook, Hampshire, GU30 7TY, or to you at the address you have given to us.


Intellectual Property Rights

Referenceline Limited owns the copyright and database rights in the websites and Apps, including survey structure, the review content including ratings, text, images and videos, the methods of analysis, searching and presentation of results.

The website may include information which is the intellectual property of others and has been licensed to us.  We respect the intellectual property rights of others, so if you believe that anything on our Websites infringes a copyright which you own or control, please let us know.

You may copy or print information from our website for your personal use only, but you may not use our site, or any information we provide, for any commercial purpose without our written consent. You may not copy, reproduce, license or sell any information that you obtain from our site or reports and you may not use the information, software, products or services on our Site to create any product or service.

We welcome any suggestions, comments or other feedback about our site and services.  You agree that your feedback is not confidential and becomes our sole exclusive property, including all intellectual property rights.  You agree that we do not have to acknowledge your feedback or compensate you in any way. By adding content to the website, you confirm that you have the right to give Referenceline permission to use and publish it (including the agreement of anyone identifiable), that it isn't offensive or defamatory and that it doesn't infringe any UK laws.



Our site provides links to other websites which are not operated by Referenceline, but contain information or services which may be of interest. We do not monitor or control either the sites or their content, which may change significantly or become unavailable without our knowledge. We do not endorse either the content or the operators and owners of such sites and we don't imply any association of Referenceline with them (unless otherwise stated). If any link is broken, or you are concerned about the content of any linked site, please let us know.



Certain words are used within these Rules, with or without capital letters, with the following meanings:



You must write and tell us promptly if you believe that we have made a mistake.

We accept liability if you are injured or die as a result of our proven negligence. In respect of any other claim, including any claim for negligence, the most that we will be liable for is the amount you have paid us in the previous 12 months, or £1,000, whichever is the larger amount.

We are not liable for any loss of data; loss of business or contract; loss of opportunity or expected profit; loss of goodwill or damage to reputation; losses suffered by third parties; or any indirect, consequential, exemplary or special damage arising from the use of our websites or services, however these may happen and whether these were forseen, or could have been forseen, or were known, or otherwise.

We are not liable if we cannot carry out our responsibilities under these rules for any reason outside our reasonable control, including power or computer failure, changes in postal practices, postal problems and industrial dispute.

We don't warrant that our websites (including the servers that make it available) and services will be free of errors, viruses or bugs.  You agree that it is your responsibility to carry out virus checks and use any procedures that you may need to meet your own requirements for the accuracy and storage of data.



If any dispute arises in connection with these rules, a director or other senior representatives of the parties with authority to settle the dispute will, within 14 working days of a written request from one party to the other, meet in a good faith effort to resolve the dispute.

If the dispute is not wholly resolved at that meeting, the parties agree to enter into mediation in good faith to settle such a dispute and will do so in accordance with the CEDR Model Mediation Procedure. Unless otherwise agreed between the parties within 14 working days of notice of the dispute, the mediator will be nominated by CEDR. To initiate the mediation a party must give notice in writing (‘ADR Notice’) to the other party[ies] to the dispute, referring the dispute to mediation. A copy of the referral should be sent to CEDR.

If there is any point on the logistical arrangements of the mediation, other than the nomination of the mediator, upon which the parties cannot agree within 14 working days from the date of the ADR Notice, where appropriate, in conjunction with the mediator, CEDR will be requested to decide that point for the parties having consulted with them.

Unless otherwise agreed, the mediation will start not later than 28 working days after the date of the ADR Notice.

This agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales. No party may commence any court proceedings / arbitration in relation to any dispute arising out of this agreement until it has attempted to settle the dispute by mediation and either the mediation has terminated or the other party has failed to participate in the mediation, provided that the right to issue proceedings is not prejudiced by a delay.